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Our next edition of the LTS FinTech Hackathon, sponsored by Fondation ABBL pour l’éducation Financière and supported by the LHoFT, Vodafone and Croix Rouge Luxembourgeoise / Help, will take place in phygital form.

FinTech Hackathon Cover

Why a dedicated hackathon focusing on “Digital Financial Services for Seniors developed by Juniors”?

The WHO estimates that by 2050 over 2 billion people will be over the age of 60. It is becoming increasingly important for technologists and designers to factor in the needs of this growing population.

Over the past years the usage of digital financial services increased dramatically, making our lives easier, faster and more productive. However, such services are often not adopted nor used by older generations due to difficulties in use, the lack of trust or the missing of technological knowledge.


In this two-day hackathon we will bring together our Juniors, the LTS Level One students, to design and build digital financial products to help the senior citizens overcome technological barriers and keep up with the pace of change.

The participants will receive support from their LTS Coaches and get mentoring sessions from industry experts working at Vodafone, Spuerkess, ING, Post, Croix-Rouge, ErwuesseBildung or LHoFT.

Pitches + Prizes

After 2 days of intense hacking, the students will present on Sunday their ideas for new digital financial products and solutions. Join us on YouTube to watch the live pitches and discover the winners!

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