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In this annual trip to the University of Luxembourg’s LunaLab, organized in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Miguel Olivares-Mendez of the SnT-SpaceR research group, students were offered the exclusive experience to see innovative space research firsthand.

Dr. Olivares-Mendez showcased some of the lab’s ongoing projects, highlighting the capabilities of their autonomous rovers, and discussed the core objectives of the research group. Seeing experienced space scientists in action inspired the students, who got the chance to test their skills by conducting experiments with the LTS rovers in the lab’s lunar surface simulation.

LTS Level Up students visit to LunaLab at

LTS Level Up students visit to LunaLab at

The Space Resources module aims to enhance interest and awareness of space sciences and technology among high school students. During this module the students obtain general knowledge about space exploration and get the opportunity to work with real robots.

The module has started with an inspiring talk by Dr. Abigail Calzada Diaz, R&T Associate at ESRIC, and continued with series of hands-on sessions about the basics of Space Resources and Robotics technologies.

At the end of the module the students visited the LunaLab of the University of Luxembourg where they performed different experiments with the robots that were used during the Space Resources module and learned about the inspiring work of the researchers from the SnT-SpaceR research group.

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