New Module in LVL UP: Cybersecurity
LTS is proud to announce a new module for our Level UP students!
Cybersecurity education has been a consistent priority in LTS’s mission of fostering the development of the next generation’s future digital leaders, and we are proud to announce that it will become one of the three main topics that LTS students will discover in Level UP, alongside Emerging Tech and Space Resources.
In today’s increasingly connected digital world, these skills are more necessary than ever. Over the course of the module, students will have the opportunity to learn how cybersecurity works, what the risks are, and how to stay safe and secure online.
In doing so, students will learn about encryption and cryptography, types of malware and hacking attacks, hardware and offensive security, and much more.
LTS firmly believes in the importance of ensuring the future of our digital world is safe and secure, and we look forward to embarking on this journey with the next generation of future digital leaders.